After successfully signing up lots of new members following a day out at Bowles Rocks last year, (this author included), the MMC again invited prospective members for a days outdoor climbing. An incredible turn out saw 25 new faces! Also incredibly, somehow, we managed to pick the first warm blue sky day of spring for the second year in a row! Three for three next year? Here’s hoping…
With a full compliment of paparazzi, (long standing MMC starlets, Jules and Wendy, augmented with another of last year’s Bowles newbies Marie…) there’s no shortage of photographic evidence for the days exploits…
As you can see from the pictures, there was plenty of hard climbing on hand, the standard cries of “Is all UK rock like this?” and “That was a lot harder than it looked!” were heard across the crag.
Talking of cries, note to all, when declaring “ROPE BELOW!”, before sending 15 metres of rope flying off a crag, ensure two things:
- You shouted loud, and,
- You left a few seconds to allow the unwitting bystanders chatting about their latest 6c triumph to look up, and avoid being caught on the head with a coil of rope!
As the sun crept lower, we slowly coalesced in the pub, for what better way to end a sunny spring day?
I hope we’ll see most again, keep an eye on Facebook and for upcoming club events, I see some of you have already joined forces at The Castle with the MMC indoor whatsapp group.
Massive thanks to all those who organised, set up top ropes, belayed, gathered people and stuck on name tags! You know who your are 😉