1. How do I join the MMC?

First email our membership secretary: membership@themmc.org.uk to arrange to meet us at a social event or to come on a meet.

We ask you to come on two weekend meets to see if the MMC is the right club for you before joining. You might like to come to one of our social events first. Climbers are asked to meet an experienced member at a London climbing wall before climbing on a meet. The membership secretary will arrange this. If you are new to climbing outdoors – see the New to climbing outdoors page.

If and when you would then like to join, please download and fill in the membership form and email it to membership@themmc.org.uk .

Complete the form with your current details. You will also need to ask two club members to propose and second you. Give the completed form to the meet organiser or any committee member (see the Contact page for who they are). Or scan/photograph it and email it to the membership sec on the above email address. They will put your name forward at the next committee meeting. Pay your subs by BACS following the details on the form.

You will then receive an MMC membership card which also entitles you to 15% discount at all Cotswold shops and 10% at other outlets.

Sounds a bit formal but don’t be put off – just hand your form to any committee member and we’ll sort it out.

  1. How much is the joining fee and where does this money go to?
  • Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18.
  • New people joining from January 2023 to end of June 2023 pay £46 – this is £25 MMC subs, plus £21 for BMC membership insurance to the end of December 2024.
  • New people joining from July 2023 to end of December 2023 pay £35.50 – this is £25 MMC subs, plus half-year BMC insurance. You will get an MMC membership card valid until August 2024.
  • Existing members pay £30 to renew their membership in August, which includes a carbon offsetting contribution as voted for at the 2021 AGM.

Because we are affiliated to the BMC, you receive some of the same benefits as an individual member of the BMC, such as third party insurance, at a subsidised rate.

The rest helps to pay our club’s admin costs and provides funds for deposits on the huts we book in winter.

All the committee members and meet organisers are unpaid volunteers.

  1. But I’ve already got membership of the BMC – can I pay less?

If you are already a member of another BMC affiliated club you need to pay the full amount to the MMC but you can get a refund of the BMC fee from them:


The BMC are introducing a recommendation for clubs to collect the BMC element of the joining fee as soon as prospective members attend an outdoor meet – to ensure they are fully covered by the third party insurance. If we have already collected this annual fee from you, you will only need to pay £7.75 to upgrade to full membership for the rest of the year. Alternatively, if you subsequently join another club, you would be able to claim the refund from the BMC.

Read the club constitution here

Note: following the AGM on 18/11/17 an addition is being made the constitution and the updated version will be uploaded soon.

Page updated: 06/11/2022