MMC welcomes new members:
experienced climbers, those new-to-outdoor climbing & walkers

New to climbing outside? Flexible support from a climbing instructor: guiding, coaching or more formal instruction, to suit your level. Subsidised price of £50* 6 people minimum needed to run this offer closing date for coaching Tues 18th April Email: today!

Experienced climbers who are new to the MMC: join our existing members to climb. The Peak District is a great location to join us for varied and interesting walking, bouldering and mountain biking.

Welcome to new walkers – we have three suggested routes to see the diversity of walking in the Peak District National Park. 

Optional curry out on Saturday evening to meet existing and other new members.

*Your £50 includes loan of instructor’s ropes. If you join the MMC following the meet, you can upgrade to membership for just £13.25. This will also give you affiliate membership of the BMC.

Early May Bank Holiday – see the Meets tab for more info.
