Oh we do like the 3’s beside the seaside
Sport-stars: Chuck (C); Damien (D); Elman (E); Jim; Joana (Jo); Katherine (K); Ollie (O); Paolo (P); Nick (N); Will (W)
Hot on the heels of the MMC summer vacation came this mini-break to the south coast. History will record the summer of 2018 as an extraordinary season: the royal wedding; England’s triumph relatively good showing at the World Cup; and wall-to-wall sunshine for week upon week. Therefore, with Portland resembling the southern Mediterranean and the MMC in peak condition following Winter indoor training and the Spring trad meets – it was time to get serious on the bolts!
On the Saturday we headed to Godnor North, which is a popular crag in the Cheyne Weare area (not Gondor North, which is the realm of Men in the Middle Earth area) and were immediately flashing grade 3(!) and grade 4(!!) routes with style and panache. Following this early success, N and O thought it was time for a few high fives and climbed Ben and Willem (both 5a *). D, who these days really is making progress at the higher grades, took things up a notch with a calm ascent of the one starred Dreamscape possibly a 6a but arguably a 6b (and yes, there were arguments). The direct start of this route is climbed over a rather featureless bulge: P valiantly struggled to solve this problem before N unlocked it with a pleasingly sketchy layback move. N then blotted his copybook by desperately grabbing at a quickdraw higher up on the route following which C, sensing that an “anything goes” approach was now permissible, took an even more dubiously ethical decision to pull on the first quickdraw so as to overcome the initial bulge. Meanwhile E, P and O mastered the neighbouring 6a Sidewinder with its evil finish.
Relaxing at Godnor