On the 1st and 14th November, the European Outdoor Film Tour will be in London showcasing some amazing feats of outdoor athleticism and adventure.
We thought it would be good to spread out the love and go see the films on the 14th. So come along and enjoy the ride!
Date: 14th November 2019
Time: 19:30 (Doors Open 19:00, so please arrive just before then if you can)
Tickets can be bought here: https://de.eoft.eu/en/tickets/details/european-outdoor-film-tour-201920-the-rocket-complex-2019-11-14_19-30/
Venue: The Rocket Complex, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DB
Venue Website: www.rocketcomplex.co.uk
Please let me know if you’re planning on joining us so we know to look out for you and try to save some seats too! socialsec@themmc.org.uk