Tag: The Marylebone Mountaineering club

2022 Wye a Sunny Weekend in the Valley

Well this was a shocker. A Wye Valley meet that was more sunny than rainy. An incredibly rare occasion that was met with many happy faces and an enjoyable time! So what happened? Let’s get started. Saturday The group split into three, most went to Symonds Yat where there was […]

2022 Yorkshire with Faff

Ey oop lad. A motley collection of walkers and climbers arrived at Catgill Campsite, Bolton Abbey, on Friday night between tea time and midnight, apart from the meet organiser who was too busy faffing in nearby Ilkley, although he did turn up the next morning with Tilly the Terrier. Saturday […]

2022 Platinum Jubilee in the Lakes

Author: Nick K It was touching that the committee commemorated the Silver Jubilee of Nick’s, Steve’s and Simon’s joining of the club with a special meet. They were further amazed that the granting of a special bank holiday was within the committee’s gift. They were however sadly disabused of this when […]

2022 North Wales Training

The May Bank Holiday meet in North Wales often proves to be one of the more popular meets and 2022 was no exception with around 35 people signing up, 14 of whom took part in the Trad Training. With Harry and Oli B now being RCI-qualified we were able to […]

Up the Valley rain or shine! Wye Valley September 2018

Up the Valley rain or shine! On an early Friday a few MMCers managed traffic and fat chips to reach Wye Valley, early enough to sneak a climb before dawn. At the Reception Campsite, we were greeted by a man (let’s call him “Larry”). Larry was a very friendly chap […]