Tag: Wye Valley

Wye Valley Training Meet

This is our training meet! Yup, we’ve moved our training meet later this year to June and to the Wye Valley as the weather is kinder and access to the area easier to get to. 🙂 Walkers and members are welcome as always! Prospective members will be excited to spend […]

Wye Valley in August

A convenient location for a climbing weekend! There are many sport climbing routes in the area’s former quarries, and there are Trad climbing routes at Symonds Yat and Wintours Leap to name just a few choice spots. Some of these crags also offer multi-pitch climbs as well, but worth noting […]

Up the Valley rain or shine! Wye Valley September 2018

Up the Valley rain or shine! On an early Friday a few MMCers managed traffic and fat chips to reach Wye Valley, early enough to sneak a climb before dawn. At the Reception Campsite, we were greeted by a man (let’s call him “Larry”). Larry was a very friendly chap […]