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Font Meet Report

The car was scarcely out of Wimbledon when Mike piped up “I don’t have my passport”, Alex then chimed in “actually I don’t have my passport either”. Simon and Bea looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders, not falling for that one. Without slowing they pressed on towards Folkestone […]

Dolomites Meet Report

The much depleted “Silvia Bello” club of Margaret Sarah Ian and Lisa returned to camping de la Rochetta in early September 2012. A pleasant return to the home comforts of the Bog blox DJ, 5* deli/bar on site, pizza over the road and enough toilets showers for 3 mountaineering clubs. […]

New Year Lakes Meet Report

After a pre-meet scare over, let’s say, a “missing” hut key Andrew, Sarah G, Jules, Jason and Sarah W spent the day leisurely driving up to Low Hall Garth from London. Robin had arrived a day earlier and had just collected Caroline from the train station. All in all, day […]

Yorkshire Dinner Meet Report

The MMC’s well attended annual dinner meet was held in Malham in Yorkshire on a late November weekend and was a very sociable and fun weekend, where we welcomed plenty of new people and a great time was had by all. The Committee booked 32 places at the Malham YHA […]

Swanage Songs

The weather was ominous on Friday and intimidated a few softies who decided to postpone their departure to Saturday morning to avoid pitching their tents under the rain. A few well-seasoned mountaineers braved the conditions and set off under the torrential rain. Andy Furnell spent a lonely evening in his […]

Scotland the brave

Warm Up Day Grrr 2 minutes out of Slough and we are already stuck in traffic! Give me a detour on that Sat Nav! And so the journey to Fort William began for Ag, Chuck and Jason. An hour and a half of traffic jams may not be the best […]